Table of Contents

Subscription Libraries for CMS

The Two Types of Subscription Libraries

Free to Use

Content provided by CTC, manufacturers and Autodesk. It will be made available automatically to all users.

Pay to use

Curated content provided by CTC and others that provides value above the freely available sources. This content requires a paid subscription to use and is indicated by price per user.

How to Use Subscription Content Libraries

  1. In the portal, go to CMS –> Subscription Libraries
  2. Browse the list of available providers.
  3. Search and request information for specific providers
  4. Once subscribed, assign discrete users to allow access to the subscribed libraries by clicking the users icon that appears
  5. Using the CMS application, locate the subscription in the list of organization libraries
  6. Perform searches and filter those libraries like normal CMS usage
  7. Create company-wide shared searches focused on the subscription content to make it even easier for your users to find the content