Projects are logical groupings of data from one or more models. Roles and permissions can be assigned to projects to control access to management and viewing of the data.
Creating a Project
To create a project, browse to the PROJECTS area of the portal and from the left application drawer, select Projects.
In the upper-right of the project list, click the “Add Project” button to begin.
On the form that appears, enter the Project Number and Name (both required). Add any additional details as needed.
When finished with the project details, click NEXT. Upon success, the project will be created.
Either proceed to Add Paths (Step 2) or close the form.
Adding Project Paths
Specifying the Paths
Select to edit the project in the project list by clicking the pencil icon at the start of the row.
Skip to step 2 “Add Paths”.
Click the plus icon and type the path (containing folder) of the project(s).
Click SAVE when complete.
NOTE: All of the data collected for models that are directly stored in the paths specified will be associated to this project.
Associating Paths
Check the box at the start of the row for recorded each model path that should be associated to the desired project.
Click the “Associate Paths” button at the upper-right of the path list.
Search and select the desired project. Click SAVE when finished.
NOTE: A unique path can be associated to only one project.
Batch Project Creation
Download the projects spreadsheet and fill in the details for the projects.

In the upper right, click Import Projects.

On the Import form, click in the upload file text box to browse. Choose the exported projects spreadsheet.
Click the “UPLOAD FILE” button to publish the list. Note, the import may take some time to process on the service.
This spreadsheet can be used to add more projects. If the project is listed but already exists in HIVE, it will be skipped.
Batch Project Updates
Browse to PROJECTS.
Download the projects spreadsheet and edit the project data.
Back on the project list in HIVE, click Import Projects and browse to the updated spreadsheet that was edited in the previous step. 
When the process is complete, an email will be sent with a report of successful or failed updates.
Project Roles
Project Admin
Project Admin role is assigned in the USERS AND GROUPS area at the organization level
Project Manager
Project Viewer
Assigning Roles
Select to edit the project in the project list by clicking the pencil icon at the start of the row.
Skip to step 3 “Add Permissions”.
Type the first two or more characters of the name of the group to assign a role for this project. When the group appears in the list, click to select it.
Select the role to assign from the “Role” list.
When both selections are made, click the ADD button to add them to the permissions list. This will save the association each time ADD is clicked.
Repeat the previous three steps until the desired groups are added to the project.
Click close when complete.
Removing Permissions
Select to edit the project in the project list by clicking the pencil icon at the start of the row.
Skip to step 3 “Add Permissions”.
Click the “delete” icon (trashcan) at the far right of the group/role to delete the permissions from this project.
Next: Configure the Project Activity Logger Addin