Scheduling Snapshots
Because querying a Revit project for data can be time-consuming, Model Compare allows you to schedule a snapshot
such that the snapshotting process can happen any time, for example after hours or on a weekend.
As it can also be useful to track a project’s changes over time, a snapshot of a project can be scheduled to occur
periodically, for example every week.
IMPORTANT: A BIM Project Suite license must be available during the entire time a scheduled task runs.
Snapshots will not be generated if a license is not available.
When snapshots are scheduled to occur, at the time they are to happen new Revit sessions will be used for the
processing. The Revit splash screen will appear briefly as new Revit sessions begin the processing, but the rest of the
snapshot process will not be visible.
IMPORTANT: Scheduled snapshots are not supported if Revit itself is using a borrowed floating license.
IMPORTANT: A user account MUST BE logged in on the computer at the time the task is scheduled to run (e.g.
10:00 PM). This is required for Revit to be able to be launched. The logged in user DOES NOT need to be in Revit at the
time. So if a task is scheduled to run on this computer later tonight, you must NOT Log Off (or “Sign Out”) at the end of
the day, but you can Ctrl+Alt+Del and “Lock” the workstation, which keeps you logged in but prevents anyone else from
using the computer.
IMPORTANT: The user account logged in at the time the task runs must have drive letter mappings, permissions,
etc. that are compatible with the settings and work to be done. For example, if you’ve specified to take a snapshot from
a project on the “P:” drive, the user account that is logged in at the time the task is to run must have a “P:” drive
mapped correctly and have permissions to at least read from that drive.
IMPORTANT: Any time a task is created or edited with this tool, when done being created or edited it will be set
to run as the user who just created or last edited the task. In the above example, that means the person who last
edited this task must have the proper permissions to files on the “P:” drive for the work to be done. Changing which
account the task runs-as can be done using the Windows Task Scheduler, but if it’s edited again with this tool, then who
it runs-as will again get reset to being whoever last edited the task on this computer.
IMPORTANT: Central files are processed by creating a new local file in the current user’s personal temporary
directory and then opening the new local file for processing. This prevents conflicts or other issues that can be caused
by opening a central file directly. The new local file is created opening all worksets. When the export is complete, the
new local file is closed and deleted. This workflow is needed to ensure all links (including relative links) are maintained.
Single user project files can only be opened from their original locations directly, in order to ensure all links are
maintained. An error will occur if the single user project file is already opened in another Revit session, either on this
computer or another computer.
The Windows Task Scheduler can be used to manually edit the task, provided none of the “Actions” are changed.
Configuring snapshot schedules is done using the Filters Library, Scheduler Configs and Scheduler buttons on the toolbar.